Befriending the House Caller. Another bingo cheating tactic involves forming an alliance with the bingo caller. You should hope that the caller works independently without any oversight for this to work. The first step is to buy all your bingo tickets and find a seat close to your alliance. Bingo tactics would also increase your interest in the game and would help you enjoy more. Most common tactics used by most of the people is to play when there are very few players online. You can do so by taking advantage of the difference in timing zones of websites of various countries.

Here at Cheers Bingo, we wholeheartedly believe that online bingo is just as much about having fun as it is about winning money. Of course, the winning does help make the playing all the more fun!

75 Ball Online Bingo. There is nothing like a game of bingo to make a dull day better. There are several types of bingo games to choose from, and sometimes it can be difficult for both new and seasoned bingo players to choose one from these numerous variations. Despite this, the most common one in both the USA and Canada is undoubtedly the 75. Another tactic in selling products pathological gamblers. One of the questions they asked is to gain source credibility. Through constant adver- concerned gambling triggers (i.e., what the impetus in tising, the public are sold the message that the product provoking the urge to gamble was). From the bingo hall to the bedroom.

So, with that in mind we've been asking ourselves, is there a way that you can increase your chances of winning and in turn ‘up the ante’ on the fun stakes too?

Well, some people will say that because bingo is a game of random chance, there is no way to actually give yourself the edge like in other forms of gambling. BUT, there are a few small things that you can do to improve those random chances.

Don't panic! You don’t have to be a maths genius or gambling guru to work out online bingo strategies! Here we’ve put together some easy to follow online bingo tips which can help you bag some cash, and, of course, make bingo more fun.

A Winning Online Bingo Strategy

Are you ready to play bingo? Are you ready to have some serious fun? Good! Buckle up for your lesson in how to play bingo, how to win and how to have fun! The first thing in your bingo strategy will be choosing the right bingo website.

So number one on our list of bingo tactics is:

#1 Use a Reputable Bingo Site

What do we mean by “reputable bingo site”? Well, we mean one that is regulated by UK gaming authorities and has a safe and secure online payment system in place. You want to make sure that all is above board, and that your financial details are safe.

Once you do, you can sit back, relax and have fun while you play. Knowing that you are in safe hands will not only bring you peace of mind, but will also be beneficial when it comes to withdrawing all your winnings by making it easy and accessible (but only accessible to you)!

How to Pick a Bingo Site

It is also worth spending a little time in researching the bingo sites and picking one that has a higher win-rate.

We have great track record of winners on our site, and in fact pay out more often than any other online bingo website. Just making a smart decision like this can increase your chances of winning from the out-set.

#2 Timing is Key!

Your best time to play online bingo will probably be the best time for thousands of other happy bingo players too, meaning that this “best time” might not actually be the best time! If you’re in a game with a hundred others then you’re all going to be in competition with each other.

As we mentioned before, bingo is a game of numbers so if you play at a time when there are less people pitted against you, your odds of winning bingo are instantly better! Late evenings all the way up to bed time is probably when most people are playing.

#3 Get Multiple Cards

Since bingo is a game of numbers (quite literally), the more you buy, the more chances you have of winning. But, of course, we encourage our players not to go beyond their means - we are all about gambling responsible. This ties in nicely with our next bingo tip, but we'll get to that later.

Not only is it a good idea to buy multiple cards, but you can also buy into some of the lower-value games instead of the big-money jackpots (which lots of people will be tempted by… see our last point!).

This way, if you win by playing games with the lower prizes, you can buy more cards in the jackpot game and increase your chances in those games despite having more competition. See? Increasing your probability of winning bingo is as easy as 1-2-3!

#4 Don’t Get Carried Away

A very important gambling tactic that you can apply to playing bingo is to set a limit. Bingo, like any other game, is one of wins and losses. And though it might sound silly, it is really important to realise this from the beginning.

Let the losses slide; don’t be tempted to chase them with another game and another and another. That way does NOT lead to fun!

Bingo Activity Sheet

So, set yourself a limit and stick to it. By using a little discipline, you keep bingo enjoyable!

#5 Most Important Rule: Have Fun!

This might sound like an odd one to add into a list of online bingo tactics, but hear us out!

The best thing about online bingo is having fun, because what’s the point of spending your money buying into a game that you’re not enjoying? We love online bingo because, even though we aren’t in the same room as the other players, it is still super social.

For example, on the Cheers Bingo website we have loads of ‘rooms’ where you can play bingo and join in the chat with lots of other bingo enthusiasts from all over the UK. You can join in the banter and share lots of bingo winning tips!

We also have a Facebook page where you'll not only make some more bingo-buddies, but where you can also earn 5000 loyalty points just by liking our page! You’re already winning without even trying!


By being a part of our bingo community, you'll also be kept in the loop about our latest competitions and promotions. As the old saying goes, “You’ve got to be in it to win it!”

Online Bingo Tactics

Let’s sum up our nice and easy steps to make you feel like a professional smarty pants, and a bingo winning whiz kid!

  1. Choose your site wisely - safety first and winning made easy
  2. Time is of the essence – pick the games/ times with less online players
  3. Get Multiple Cards – the more you buy, the better your chances
  4. Set a limit – keep up the fun!
  5. Social Bingo – make friends, learn and share

Of course, we all know that bingo, just like life, is just one crazy game of luck. But if we follow a few simple rules we can help ourselves in the long-run!

Our online bingo tactics our simple, and will help. Follow them and, who knows, you might just hit that jackpot!

Bingo Activity Connection

Bingo can be enjoyed by people of all ages because it’s easy to understand, play and execute in the form of fundraisers in schools, churches, and other non-profit organizations. It can be enjoyed with a big number of people in attendance and is very sociable and family-friendly. Families have also bonded with their kids by hosting bingo fundraisers of their own, and we can say that there’s nothing cuter than a small child commanding the room, rolling the bingo machine, and calling out a number. Even if you prefer online bingo sessions, there are sites like City Bingo worth checking out.

So what is Bingo?

Bingo Tactic Meaning

If you are unfamiliar with this game, it starts with everyone participating being given a card with a set amount of numbers on them, with each card having different numbers and arrangements. A bingo machine is brought in to shuffle the labeled tiles or balls in them, and a person will be shuffling and picking one out to call and those who have the numbers can cross them off on their card. After a series of random numbers have been called, whoever is first to cross off all their numbers will be dubbed the winner, attaining what is called ‘full house’.

Bingo Tachi Palace

The logistics behind a Bingo Fundraiser

Due to the game itself is so well known and simple to execute on its own, the real work behind organizing a whole fundraiser oriented around Bingo and raising as much profit as you can be the real challenge. Here are a few tips on how you can make your fundraiser attractive with some money-making techniques you can employ.

Finding the right place

You’ll have to start off predicting how many visitors you will be hosting for the event and who you are planning on hosting. If it is for a school festival, you might need to accommodate a large number of students and their parents so you will have to book a bigger venue to accommodate them all. Other venues that could be related to the organizations you will be raising the funds for, such as churches and sports clubs, mostly have venues that can accommodate the public and streaming of human traffic comfortably.

If you are hosting Bingo Night, they usually come with refreshments so make sure that you also have enough space for catering or even a bar.

Bingo Night catering

There’re many popular catering dishes that you can serve, with some being curry, bolognese, soup, and chili con carne. By serving food, you will be able to sell your tickets at a higher value with the promise of food and a fun social game. You can also consider more sizable meals if the venue and budget allow, such as pizza, barbecue, and fish and chips.

If your event is related to a festival or takes place during a particular holiday, you can also choose dishes that go well with the theme so your participants can have a more immersive experience.

Drinks are another good way to up your catering game, such as soft drinks, alcohol, tea, and coffee. If it’s for an event with adults and you are considering serving alcohol, you can do so by applying for a license to set up a bar or choose a venue that comes with one.

Preparing the game sets

Bingo cards

Bingo sets usually work with numbers up to 100 with its cards using a grid system of 10 to 14 numbers. You can buy these cards easily online or from charity supply companies, so you might want to purchase more as some people like to buy several bingo cards to mark them at the same time and increase their odds.

If you are worried about the cards being too easy or that they are in an order that is uncomfortable, there is another way around this! You can also hand out bingo cards with blank grids so that your participants can fill up their cards before the round starts. With this tactic, you can also encourage people to swap cards with their neighbors and watch neighbors start convincing each other that their numbers are lucky. This can help your participants socialize faster and result in much laughter! Logistics wise, you will have to make sure you give out plenty of cards and pens.

The Bingo Caller

The Bingo Caller isn’t just the person that calls out random numbers through the session. Bingo Callers can make or break your event, and good Callers should have the charisma and wit of a good emcee. You will have to look out for someone that is not just able to make the session boisterous and good-natured, they will also have to be authoritative enough.

They will be the ones shuffling the balls or cards in the Bingo machine and pulling the number to be called, which will be put aside onto a grid to double-check the cards of winners.

If your event will be seeing experienced Bingo players, you should get a Bingo Caller that is also familiar with ‘Bingo Lingo’.

Beginning the game

As mentioned before, the first person to get a ‘full house’ for getting all the numbers that have been called will be the winner. After the lucky player calls ‘house’, the Caller will go over to check their card and see if they are eligible to win the prize.

There are actually other winning titles in Bingo. They are definitely not winning as big as ‘full house’ is, but you can make the night more exciting by awarding smaller prizes along the way.

‘Line’ can be called for the first player to mark a completed straight line across the card.

‘Corners’ can be called for the first player who completed all the four corners of the card.


If you are worried about your prizes being too lackluster, it is important to remember that most people participate in fundraisers just for the fun of it, so you should tally your expectations and prizes accordingly! Some event organizers are even able to get sponsored prizes, so it’s really up to you!

Scheduling your Bingo rounds
Bingo tactics

It can be difficult to predict the average time a Bingo session takes, especially if you are a first time organizer. Here is a rough guideline of what you can expect and how you can schedule the activities around the game durations.

It usually takes around 15 minutes in the average Bingo game, one with 100 numbers, to get their first win. You will also have to decide on how many rounds will be played after seeing how many people are playing.

The general schedule for a Bingo Night is rotated around three to four rounds before and after an ‘intermission’ for your players to enjoy their meals. Three to four rounds will take about an hour, and you can choose to end the night early with three rounds if they took longer than expected. All in all, flexibility is key, so monitor according to the mood of the event! Make sure to have additional cards on standby too, in case more rounds are played than expected.

Some money-making tactics

Bingo Nights can sometimes be long, so what comes with it is many opportunities to raise money for your organization or cause! If you will be charging an all-in-one price for participating in the evening with the catered food and drinks, it would be a straightforward way of charging.

Some organizers though, prefer to charge per game along with the option to pay if players wanted extra cards to increase their odds of winning.


Hopefully, this guide has helped to raise a few pointers for you to keep a note of and make the preparations smoother! Being a fundraiser organizer is no easy feat, but with Bingo being such a well-loved classic game, you will find how it brings together people from all walks of life for a good cause to be extremely rewarding.