All Sports Are Rigged
Every game in every pro league? It would be impossible to keep the thousands of people involved over the years from letting the secret slip out. So how about leagues preferring specific teams? I don't think every game is rigged. That would take a ton of effort and orchestration. Plus players actually have to be good. Owners can't just build a mediocre team and get carried by the rigging.
Alex Rodriguez is fuming over losing the Mets to billionaire Steve Cohen and griping that the process was rigged, multiple sources tell The Post. Sources close to the former Yankees slugger say the. I agree with you- not every game is rigged. They cannot make it blatant, and they can only skew the game to one side so far. I was going to post a video of a rigged new orleans saints game (american football) where the team that was supposed to lose still managed to win, but the search results were overloaded with dozens of other rigged games. Sports aren’t rigged. However all sports leagues have outcomes and matchups that would make them the most money. That’s why Alabama, Duke, Lakers, etc seem to get all the calls. You’d be crazy to think otherwise.
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All Professional Sports Are Rigged
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Nba was, but has appeared to have gotten a lot better. Despite what happened last night, nba typically has the best officiating
Texas St Fan
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Catch vs not a catch. Pass inf vs not. The nfl is the worst. I’m getting sick of their shite and I dgaf about the anthem stuff
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All Sports Are Rigged Mlb
New Orleans Saints Fan
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Give Florida, USC, Ohio State, Texas etc the success of Bama and they're making way more

Tulane Fan
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quote:And Spurs fans would agree, right Tbird?
Dallas fans would argue the 06 Finals

North Carolina Fan
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Though we do know the WCF in 2002 was intentionally influenced by officiating, and I’ve always suspected the same about the 2006 Finals.
I wouldn't say the NFL is rigged, but the NFL can steer games via the refs
Help me out with the subtle distinction between 'rig' and 'steer', please.
We all see shitty calls by the refs. They happen. I think we tend to remember the ones that go against our teams and usually forget about the ones that go our way.
But here's what I want to know:
Does the NFL gave a meeting every Tuesday morning to pick the next week's winners?
Is Vegas at that meeting to determine the final point spread or is that done in the wee hours of Sunday morning after the college games are complete?
Is there a guy at NFL HQ on Park Ave every Sunday afternoon watching a half dozen games simultaneously and communicating instructions to the referees during commercial breaks and at halftime?
I understand that a close game is better for viewership than a blow out. But is the marginal ad revenue on a more competitive game worth the risk of being exposed as the new Championship Wrestling and having your multi billion dollar business go down the shitter? It doesn't make sense to me.

Texas A&M Fan
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All-pro Sports Are Rigged
Idk maybe dig deeper into the referenced material and listen to what he’s saying about it. I can’t answer all of these questions, just relaying what I found to you kind folks for you to draw a somewhat informed conclusion based on said materials.