Scratch Off Tips And Secrets
How To Win Money On Scratch Cards - Discover our top 9 tips for improving your chances of winning scratch offs every time. The World’s online gaming authority since 1995. Here are the top 10 tips, tricks, and cheats you need to know for UNO!. As with poker or any competitive game, you can really throw a player off their game by talking a big game.
Today I'm going to run through some quick lottery scratch off ticket secrets. Hope these help too.
WAIT: Did you get my lottery scratchers tips yet? You really need to get those tips first. They really could mean the difference between a big win and a lot of losing tickets!

Scratch Off Tips And Secrets Tips
[Q] Are scratch-off tickets easier to win than the regulardraw based games?
[A] Some are, some aren't. You have to compare them toknow. Yes, a cheap scratcher is going to be easier to winthan Powerball. But the prize is so much smaller. Just likePick 3 is easier to win than a high priced scratcher. Don'tguess - choose your game wisely.

[Q] Do you think it's a good idea to play the $1 gamesuntil I win enough to play the high priced tickets?
[A] No - never do this. It will really hurt your chancesoverall. Always play the right game to start with.
[Q] Richard Lustig says I should always buy tickets inbatches of 5 at a time to get a better chance of winning- is this true?

[A] No it is NOT true. This is a total myth. Your chancesof winning are exactly the same if you buy 5 tickets all atonce, or if you buy 1 a day for 5 days.
[Q] I don't get how Dave's scratchers reports are better thanjust buying the latest tickets that will mostly have all the bigprizes still available?
[A] It's better because it figures out what are the best scratch ticketsthat give you the best chance of buying a winner. And that includesboth the big and small prizes. Think of it this way, imagineif all the losing tickets had been sold for a particular game.That would mean all those left on sale would be winners.Dave's ScratchSmarter service would tell you this is theNo.1 best game to play this week. Without it you wouldnever know. That's a big advanatage over other players.It's hurting your chances to play without it.
[Q] I tried to claim what I thought was a winning ticketbut the assistant said it had not won. He kept the ticket -have I been ripped off? What can I do?
[A] The only thing you can do now is contact the lotterycompany and ask to speak to their security team. Tell themwhat happened, when it was (ideally the date and time) andat what store. They will do their best to investigate, but I'mafraid there is not much they can do if your ticket was stolenand that person has been careful to cover their tracks.
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Scratch Off Tips
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