Ways To Win On Scratch Off Tickets
- 2 days ago In addition, this game offers lower odds and more ways to win.' Players have a chance to win one of five $500,000 jackpots in the game, the largest top prize of any Mississippi scratch-off game to.
- Nov 01, 2016 Purchase your Ultimate Triple 777 Scratch-off at any participating retailer. Play the Game Find a symbol in a game, win the prize shown for that game. Find two symbols in the same game, win double the prize for that game. Find three symbols in the same game, win triple the prize for that game. $50 Cash Spot: Find a symbol, win $50 instantly!
- Welcome to the Scratch Off Odds Lottery Analyzer for Ohio! Here you'll find an overview of the best (and worst) scratch off tickets. The best tickets to buy typically have a larger percentage of top prizes remaining compared to how many tickets are still in circulation.
There's something sneaky I want to make sure you guys areaware of.
In the industry it's called 'pinning', and this scratch off scam can mean you miss out on a big winner without ever knowing about it. There's a weak point in the way scratch-off tickets are claimed. You have to scratch a panel to reveal a barcode. It's that barcode. Multiple tickets from multiple different scratch-off games. You are just setting yourself up for huge losses on the day. By sticking to the same scratch-off game, you greatly increase your odds and chances of winning. Make sure you are playing ONLY $5, $10, and $20 scratch-off tickets or higher! DO NOT play $1 or $2 tickets!
In the industry it's called 'pinning', and this scratch off scam can mean you missout on a big winner without ever knowing about it.
There's a weak point in the way scratch-off tickets are claimed.You have to scratch a panel to reveal a barcode. It's that barcodethat has to be scanned to tell if the ticket is a winner or not.
This is a different barcode to the one you can see before youstart scratching anything. It's hidden and has to be scratched tobe seen. For a good reason - because this is the security measureto stop a dodgy assistant or store owner from checking all thetickets and pulling out the winning ones!
Sounds good so far... except...
Well, some 'smart cookie' figured out you don't need to see muchof a barcode to be able to scan it!
STOP: Hold up. Make sure you get all of my lottery scratch off tips. They could be the difference between winning big and forever losing.
Barcodes are a series of vertical lines. But it's the thickness of thelines and the thickness of the spaces between them that 'decode'into a serial number. The only reason barcodes are as tall as theyare is to make them a big and easy target for scanner machines.
Here's what the dodgy assistants figure out.
If you take a ruler and a pin (hence the name 'pinning'), you canremove a thin line of the scratch material. Just enough so thatwith careful aim you can scan the ticket to see if it's a winner.While still leaving the ticket looking unused!
They then keep the winners (they just buy them - no rule againstthat bit). But then sell you the losers..!
YES - lottery scratch off scams are a criminal offence. And yes, the lottery companies are awareof it. Anyone caught doing this will end up in serious trouble.
But I want you to know about it so you don't caught out!
Ways To Win On Scratch Off Tickets Cheap
So there are 2 danger signs to be very aware of:-
- Never buy a 'loose' ticket that just appears from under thecounter. Watch the assistant detach your ticket fresh from theroll in front of you.
- Inspect each ticket you buy closely BEFORE you walk away.Make sure there is no damage at all to the scratch surface. Ifthere is, ask for a replacement ticket.

This is not the only lottery ticket scam out there. So I'd also recommend you always report anything suspicious thathappens when buying tickets or claiming winnings. Dishonestsellers are rare but they do exist.
TIP: Know how to figure out what are the best scratchers? All tickets are not the same. It is possible to figure out which are the best to play. Don't just buy randomly because that really hurts your chances.
Lottery companies take lottery scratch card scams VERY seriously. Phone them andreport the store to the security department. They will investigateand take major action if they find anything dodgy going on.
Read More Scratch Tips:
Prize Payment OptionsAll Prizes of $600 or Less
Lotto, Easy 5, Pick 3 and Pick 4 & all Scratch-Off Prizes of $5,000 or Less
- Sign and complete the information on the back of their winning ticket and ensure that all barcodes are clearly visible (scratch-off material completely removed from scratch-off tickets).
- Photocopy of the front and back of the ticket.
- Complete the Louisiana Lottery Prize Claim Form and be sure it includes your telephone number and mailing address for your prize check
- Photocopy your valid driver’s license or current picture identification.
- Mail the above in a single envelope to:
Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Attn: Prize Validations
P.O. Box 90010
Baton Rouge, LA 70879-0010

Prizes of Over $5,000 & Powerball and Mega Millions Prizes
Ways To Win On Scratch Off Tickets Ticketmaster
- Your full name
- Name of the game(s)/ticket(s) on which you have won a prize
- The expected winnings for each ticket
- The location of the Lottery office where you prefer to claim your prize
- Your phone number (with area code)
Prize Claim Deadlines
Both the federal and state government consider winnings from all forms of gaming to be income for tax purposes.
By law, the Louisiana Lottery must report winnings from each single ticket with a prize value over $600 to the Internal Revenue Service and the Louisiana Department of Revenue and Taxation.
Income tax regulations require the Louisiana Lottery to withhold 24 percent federal taxes from each prize over $5,000 and 5 percent state taxes from prizes of $5,000 or more.
A gambling income statement, W-2G, is printed for each ticket greater than $600 and given to the claimant when they receive their prize check. Winners should keep the W-2G secure until they are ready to file federal and state income taxes.