How To Predict Roulette Numbers Visually
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How to predict roulette numbers visually and with a pocket computer Started by Steve on General Discussion. 0 Replies 1164 Views Last post: Aug 25, 04:00 AM 2014 by Steve: How to predict roulette numbers visually and with a pocket computer Started by Steve on.
Oct 27, 2012 Using those simple measurements and the equations presented in the paper, the researchers were able to predict which half of the roulette wheel the ball would end up in about 59% of the time. Jul 29, 2014 How to visually predict roulette: The difference is instead of estimating the ball speed, you will be using the timings of the phone’s vibrations. To do this, note the position of the ball each time you feel the vibration. Call each point the “intersection point”.

Roulette Numbers Generator
Welcome to my website and winning Visual Roulette System. I am John at Jafco Roulette and on these pages you will find information about my highly successful roulette systems that are entirely based on the physical factors of roulette. These factors include the conditions that affect the roulette ball action, the speed of the roulette wheel, the predicted landing points (hot number sectors) and the keys to unlocking the real secrets of how to Win at Roulette. Visual roulette play is all about the interaction between the roulette ball, the roulette wheel speed , and the landing pins / diamonds. Hidden within all these factors are good combinations which in turn create hot betting zones. An even greater factor in all this is the surrounding air condition and how it too will affect the way the roulette ball spins or rolls. As players we have the choice of when to play, and provided you have a professional’s understanding of the game you will be able to play winning roulette when the conditions provide for repetitive roulette, and choose to avoid playing when you recognize chaos, with the ball behaving in a more mixed up or even erratic state. I am not exaggerating when I say that roulette is as much about knowing how and when to play as it is about knowing when and why not to play. A successful visual roulette system should only require player skills that are within our own visual human capabilities. Over the years we have simplified our method down to 3 or 4 quick player tasks per spin, three of which are simple procedure and one that requires a small amount of skill. Good rhythm is a key, and the ability to count in time can be worth a fortune ! and not only that, but I have also developed the ideal vibration product which will provide you with perfect rhythm training. There are many factors and secrets involved with roulette winning and these are all covered in great detail on my player informationl CD, Let’s look briefly at just one part of our system known as player task one. So, how can we get an accurate roulette wheel speed, without having to look at a stop watch, press any switches or listen to any sound? Imagine the practicality and potential profitability of being able to do that. Answer To visually assess a roulette wheel speed with great accuracy and within the conditions above you simply need to develop a skill in rhythm counting. The very best way to teach yourself a counting rhythm is with a roulette vibration unit that will create a rhythm pulse accurate to within 0.05 seconds! This vibration pulse can run non stop for up to 8 hours on a single battery and is also ideal for practice too, where you can measure how far the wheel moves over a set time equal to that of the vibrations.
To celebrate 5 years online, I am pleased to announce the release of some great new visual roulette system products. Firstly, I am keen to make the updated Jafco Visual Roulette System as widely available as possible and to that end I am offering it at a new promotional price of £155, less than a single straight up winner ! This is a great way to get started at pro-roulette play, and to confirm the true effectiveness of the Jafco roulette playing methods.
In addition to a great price offer, customers will also now receive a new visual system update manual (booklet), including the ideas and experiences of some of the most successful professional roulette player customers, some great new playing tips and an overview summary of the full roulette visual system. The Jafco Dealer’s Signature System is an extra method that adds to a professional’s playing options. There are 5 playing styles designed to suit the variation in conditions that you find. For example, Style one involves tracking a roulette dealer’s pattern where you can bet before the start of the roulette spin. This first option of play also opens the door for winning at the live online game. For more detailed information please see
1.Several card maker charts, enabling the professional to construct a player card for virtually all possible bet positions, in that it will guide the player to all the hot betting positions anywhere between 5 and 25 seconds from the end of the roulette spin. These tables are perfect for both the Jafco visual and dealer’s signature roulette systems. If the player wishes to bet 12.5 seconds from the end of the spin, then he simply uses the chart to determine all the 12.5 sec bet positions for all the possible wheel speed times. This product is a very useful tool for all professional visual players. This is also a new type of visual roulette card that it is completely unrecognizable, in that it is simply a list of numbers written by the player on to a card provided by the local casino. 2. One key aspect of my visual system is the overlap betting position, a technique, predictably now being imitated by other system sellers. I have now developed several visual simulation charts to highlight exactly where and when these hot betting positions occur. These overlaps are dependent on a combination of factors such as the player’s aim, the wheel speed and the rate at which a particular roulette ball is decelerating. The charts consider all these characteristics and will guide the player to locate the precise points where the overlap will occur. 3. We have extensively customized the adjustable vibrating unit, enabling even better practice for judging the roulette ball speed and more significantly, the ability to confirm the desired ball revolution. This product is ideal for natural rhythm training and practice. Product Information |
Genuine Comments by Real Customers. Hi John Thank you again for your unfailing commitment to customer service. As you know I have been extremely impressed with the You have two fantastic products and your readiness to support them has made it a pleasure to deal with you. Again, my thanks for everything John and do keep an eye out for those friends of mine who will be calling you soon. Regards TG Spain Hi john just wanted to report a quite staggering winning session on the latter part of your second training DVD, the part where you use visual prediction only. I wish I had kept a record now, but the hit rate was truly astronomical, despite the fact it had got late and I was knackered!! I think it must have gone close to three hits to every one loss for long periods. Uk customer I just got back from Vegas, And used your system, I don't fully understand everything yet, but what I learned in the 2 weeks made a big difference at the table. I made about 4000. They were using a small ball which had more bounce. I am going to study more and memorize the wheel. Just wanted to say thanks Another satisfied customer I love playing with the simplest system that allows me to finally win
Hi John The vibration pulse is perfect for rhythm training, but is still just one small part of my amazing visual roulette system. The actual playing method will be the key to your success, in that it is simple, easy to learn and yet still considers all the required physical elements of the game, such as the changing ball action, the predicted landing points, the wheel speed and many others, including several new and relatively unknown aspects of the game. Customers will also receive our 60 page roulette training manual on a CD, plus a roulette system practice and training DVD. |
A more accurate visual roulette system equals a higher margin and that equals higher profit. I believe that my unique roulette method is the most practical winning roulette system available anywhere in the world. Have a look at my 15,000 to 1 shots on my video demonstrations and other information on this site. Remember though, This system is exclusively available here from Jafco. |
The next video shows how we need to separate our bets when playing in more mixed conditions. The margin is slightly lower but still very powerful.
Level Wheel
In this first “Dealer Signature” film, I am taking the role of a dealer on auto pilot. I am also throwing from particular area in order to demonstrate the pattern in its most simple form. A dealer can ofcourse be tracked from whatever number he throws from, it’s just that the pattern would not appear so obvious but would be just as strong. Please note that this roulette dealing skill is not applied in any of my system play videos where I pick up the wheel and ball action after the start of the spin |
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